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Posts Tagged ‘ohl jeugd’

Elite U16: OH Leuven – RAEC Mons 2-0

Posted by dinedrin on 2014/03/29


Elite U16: OH Leuven –  RAEC Mons 2-0

OHL U16: Gilles, Patrice, Florimond, Zico, Axel, Yassine,  Jens, Nassim, Din, Dico, Jonathan:- Ivan, Nathan

Brent , Bart  Jordy,   injured

OHL Goals: Dico, Din

Trainer: Steven Robeets


 Elite U15: OH Leuven –  RAEC Mons 1-0

OHL U15: Andreas,  Jimmy, Willem, Arnout, Basile, Zakaria, Derick, Drin, Maxime, Cedric, Hakim;- Michael, Youn

Luca injured, 

OHL Goal: Maxime

Trainer: Wim DHondt


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Elite U16: KV Mechelen – OH Leuven 0-1

Posted by dinedrin on 2014/03/22

Elite U16: KV Mechelen  – OH Leuven  0-1

OHL U16: Gilles, Michael,  Zico, Nathan, Axel, Nassim, Jens, Jordy, Ivan, Din,  Jonathan:- Florimond, Patrice

OHL Goal: Jens

Brent & Bart, injured

Dico, suspended

Trainer: Steven Robeets


Elite U15: KV Mechelen – OH Leuven  0-1

OHL U15: Andreas, Jimmy, Zakaria, Arnout, Basile, Yassine, Maxime, Drin, Derich, Cedric, Hakim; Willem, Fred, Youne

Luca injured

OHL Goal: Maxime

Trainer: Wim DHondt


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Elite U15: KV Oostende – OH Leuven 2-4

Posted by dinedrin on 2014/03/08


Elite U15: KV Oostende – OH Leuven  2-4

OHL U15: Arno, Jimmy, Willem, Arnout, Basile, Zakaria, Maxime, Drin, Derich, Cedric, Hakim; Laurence, Fred, Michael

Luca injured

OHL Goals: Cedric, Hakim, Arnout, Michael

Trainer: Wim DHondt


Elite U16: KV Oostende – OH Leuven  0-2

OHL U16: Andreas, Patrice, Nathan,  Zico, Axel, Michael, Jens, Nasim, Din, Jordy, Ivan:- Dico, Jonathan, Yassine

OHL Goals: Jens, Din

Brent & Bart, Florimond, injured

Trainer: Steven Robeets


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Elite U16: RAEC Mons – OH Leuven 1-6

Posted by dinedrin on 2014/03/05

Elite U16: RAEC Mons – OH Leuven 1-6

OHL U16: Gilles, Patrice, Florimond, Zico, Axel, Daan, Michael, Niek, Din, Dico, Jonathan:- Nathan, Patrice, Nassim, Ivan

OHL Goals: Michael 3x, Jonathan, Jordy, Din

Brent & Bart, injured

Trainer: Steven Robeets


Elite U15: RAEC Mons – OH Leuven 0-3

OHL U15: Andreas, Jimmy, Willem, Arnout, Basile, Zakaria, Maxime, Yassine, Derich, Fred, Hakim; Laurence, Drin, Cedric

Luca injured

OHL Goals: Maxime, Derich, Hakkim

Trainer: Wim DHondt

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Elite U15: OH Leuven – Charleroi 2-1

Posted by dinedrin on 2014/03/01


Elite U15: OH Leuven –  Charleroi 2-1

OHL U15: Andreas, Jimmy, Willem, Arnout, Laurence, Zakaria, Maxime,  Drin, Dereck, Cedric, Hakim;- Fred, Basile

Jassin, Michael injured

OHL Goals: Drin, Hakim

Trainer: Wim DHondt


Elite U16: OH Leuven –  Charleroi 3-0

OHL U16: Gilles, Patrice, Florimond, Zico, Axel, Nassim, Michael, Dico, Jordy, Din, Ivan;- Nathan, Jonathan, Jens

Brent & Bart  injured

OHL Goals: Ivan, OG, Jonathan

Trainer: Steven Robeets

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Elite U16: SK LIerse – OH Leuven 0-3

Posted by dinedrin on 2014/02/22


Elite U16: SK Lierse– OH Leuven 0-3

OHL U16: Gilles, Patrice, Florimond, Zico, Axel, Nassim, Michael, Dico, Jordy, Din, Jonathan:-  Nathan, Patrice,

OHL Goals: Michael 2x, Florimond

Jens, Brent & Bart  injured

Trainer: Steven Robeets


Elite U15: SK Lierse – OH Leuven 6-4

OHL U15: Andreas, Jimmy, Zakaria, Willem, Laurence, Youn, Maxime, Yasin, Drin, Cedric, Hakim; Michael, Basil, Fred

OHL Goals: Maxime, Hakkim 2x, Cedric,

Arnout, Injured

Trainer: Wim DHondt

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Elite U16: OH Leuven – RSC Anderlecht 1-2

Posted by dinedrin on 2014/02/01

Elite U16: OH Leuven – RSC Anderlecht 1-2

OHL U16: Yannick, Patrice, Florimond, Zico, Axel, Nassim, Michael, Dico, Jordy, Din, Ivan;- Gilles,  Nathan, Jonathan,

Jens, Brent & Bart  injured

Trainer: Steven Robeets

OHL Goal: Dico


Elite U15: OH Leuven – RSC Anderlecht 0-5

OHL U15: Andreas, Jimmy, Willem, Arnout, Laurence, Zakaria, Dereck, Jassin, Drin, Cedric, Fred;- Luca, Basile, Hakim, Michael

Maxime, Youn, n selected

Trainer: Wim DHondt

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Elite U16: R. Standard de Liege – OH Leuven 2-0

Posted by dinedrin on 2014/01/26

Elite U16: R. Standard de Liege – OH Leuven 2-0

OHL U16: Gilles, Michael, Florimond, Zico, Axel, Nassim, Jens, Dico, Jordy, Din, Jonathan:- Yannick, Nathan, Patrice,

Ivan, Brent & Bart  injured

Trainer: Steven Robeets


Elite U15: R. Standard de Liege – OH Leuven 6-1

OHL U15: Lucas, Basile, Zakkaria, Arnout,  Willem, Yasin, Maxime, Drin, Derick, Cedric, Fred:- Andreas, Hakim, Jimmy, Laurence

Trainer: Wim DHondt

OHL Goal: (Derick, assist Drin)

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Elite U16: OH Leuven – KV Kortrijk 2-0

Posted by dinedrin on 2014/01/18

Elite U16: OH Leuven – KV Kortrijk 2-0

OHL Elite U16: Yannick, Patrice, Florimond, Nassim, Zico, Nathan, Michael, Dico, Jordy, Din, Jonathan:- Gilles, Axel, Jens, Ivan

Brent & Bart  injured

Trainer: Steven Robeets

OHL Goals: Din 2x


Elite U16: OH Leuven – KV Kortrijk 2-1

OHL Elite U15:  Andreas, Youn, Willem, Arnout, Laurence, Yasin, Michael, Fred, Drin, Cedric, Maxime;- Luca, Hakim, Zakaria, Basile,

Trainer: Wim DHondt

OHL Goals: Drin, Hakim

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Elite U15: Cercle Brugge – OH Leuven 0-2

Posted by dinedrin on 2013/11/30


Elite U15: Cercle Brugge – OH Leuven 0-2

OHL Elite U15:  Luca, Basile, Willem, Arnout, Laurence, Zakaria, Derick, Yasin, Drin, Cedric, Maxime:- Youn, Fred

Jimmy & Hakim injured

Trainer: Wim DHondt

OHL Goals: Drin, Derick


Elite U16: Cercle Brugge – OH Leuven 0-0

OHL Elite U16: Yannick, Patrice, Florimond, Zico, Axel, Nassim, Jens, Niek, Ivan, Din, Jonathan:- Gilles, Michael, Jordy, Dica

Brent,  injured, Nathan ziek.

Trainer: Steven Robeets

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Elite U16: OH Leuven – KAA Gent 4-1

Posted by dinedrin on 2013/11/23


Elite U15: OH Leuven – KAA Gent 3-1

OHL Elite U15:  Luca, Basile, Willem, Arnout, Laurence, Youn, Maxime, Yasin, Drin, Cedric, Jonathan:- Zakaria, Michael

Jimmy & Hakim injured

Trainer: Wim DHondt

OHL Goals: Drin, Jonathan, Michael


Elite U16: OH Leuven – KAA Gent 4-1

OHL Elite U16: Yannick, Michael, Florimond, Nassim, Zico, Niek, Jens, Dico, Jordy, Din, Axel:- Gilles, Bart, Patrice, 

Brent & Ivan  injured

Trainer: Steven Robeets

OHL Goals: Din 2x, Michael,  Jordy

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Friendlymatch Elite U15: OH Leuven – VFV Selectie 6-0

Posted by dinedrin on 2013/11/20

Elite U15: OH Leuven – VFV Selectie 6-0

OHL Elite U15:  Luca, Basile, Willem, Arnout, Laurence, Youn Maxime, Drin, Cedric, Fred, Hakim:- Jonathan, Yassin, Zakaria, 

Jimmy injured

Trainer: Wim DHondt

OHL Goals: Cedric, Jonathan 2x, Maxime, Arnout


Elite U16: OH Leuven – VFV Selectie 5-0

OHL Elite U16: Yannick, Michael, Nathan, Nasim, Zico, Bart,  Jens, Dico, Jordy, Din, Ivan;- Gilles, Florimond, Partice,

Brent, injured

Trainer: Steven Robeets

OHL Goals: Jordy 2x, Din 2x Ivan

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Elite U15: OH Leuven – KRC Genk 2-1

Posted by dinedrin on 2013/11/16

Elite U15: OH Leuven – KRC Genk 2-1

OHL Elite U15:  Luca, Basile, Willem, Arnout, Laurence, Yassin, Hakim, Drin, Cedric, Fred, Jonathan-: Maxime, Youn

Zakaria  & Jimmy injured

Trainer: Wim DHondt

OHL Goals: Jonathan 2x


Elite U16:  OH Leuven – KRC Genk 0-0

OHL Elite U16: Goilles, Michael, Florimond, Nasim, Axel, Daan, Jens, Dico, Jordy, Din, Ivan:-  Patrice, Nathan, Bart, Zico

Brent, injured

Trainer: Steven Robeets

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Elite U16: OH Leuven – KV Mechelen 5-0

Posted by dinedrin on 2013/11/02


Elite U15: OH Leuven – KV Mechelen  2-3

OHL Elite U15:  Luca, Jimmy, Willem, Arnout, Laurence, Youn, Hakim, Jassin, Cedric, Fred, Jonathan-: Drin, Basile, Maxime

Zakaria, injured

Trainer: Wim DHondt

OHL Goals: Fred, Jassin


Elite U16:  OH Leuven – KV Mechelen 5-0

OHL Elite U16: Yannick, Michael, Florimond, Nasim, Axel, Niek,  Jens, Dico, Jordy, Din, Ivan:-  Patrice, Nathan, Bart, Zico

Brent, injured

Trainer: Steven Robeets

OHL Goals, Din 2x, Ivan, Jordy, Michael

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Elite U16: RS Charleroi – OH Leuven 1-2

Posted by dinedrin on 2013/10/12


Elite U15: RS Charleroi – OH Leuven  1-3

OHL Elite U15:  Andreas, Jimmy, Willem, Arnout, Laurence, Jassin, Maxime, Drin, Cedric, Fred, Jonathan-: Luca, Youn, Hermest,

Zakaria, Basile, injured

Trainer: Wim DHondt

OHL Goals: Jassin, Jonathan 2x


Elite U16: RS Charleroi – OH Leuven  1-2

OHL Elite U16: Gilles, Patrice, Zico, Nathan, Axel, Daan, Michael, Dico,  Jordi, Din, Ivan-: Nassim, Jens, Bart

Florimond susp; Yannick & Brent injured

Trainer: Steven Robeets

OHL Goals, Din 2x

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